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FIFA16 will be officially on sale in September 22, EA Sports announced the top 50 before the ability value of the player, Lionel Messi, C Ronaldo, the top three Suarez, 50 despite the 17 Premiership players nominated before, but only Two England players fifa coin sellers.
Capacity reaches 94, came out on top no doubt Messi, C Luo ranked second with 93, Suarez 90 places ranked third, three players in FIFA15 also ranked in the top four. Compared with FIFA15, Iniesta, Schweinsteiger, Ribery out of the top 10, will be replaced by David - Silva, Tiago - Silva and Neymar. In the top 10 players, three were from Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Paris, have two people, the other three were from Real Madrid, Chelsea and Manchester City.
In the top 10 players, only Adjara and David - Silva two Premiership players, but the first 50 people, 17 people from the Premier League, Terry and Wayne Rooney became buy fifa 16 coins review the only two among the 50 former England player. However, this has been good in FIFA15, Rooney was the only one among the 50 former England player. In addition, in FIFA15, a total of 16 Premiership players among the top 50 this year increased to 17 people.
The top 50 players in the vast majority of the effectiveness of Europe's top leagues, only one effect beyond the five major league club player was Carlos fifa 16 coins online review Tevez. Compare FIFA15 and FIFA16, a marked decline over the player's ranking, after joining Real Madrid, ranked 14 in the Bell slipped to 23 last year, while last year before were ranked 11th and 12 of Van Persie and Falcao missed 50 bit. In addition, this summer to join Manchester United (microblogging data) Schweinsteiger slipped from 8 to Chapter 38 fifa 16 coin seller reviews.
In the top 50 players, nine people from Bayern Munich, the Bundesliga Banba's strength is evident, followed by Real Madrid (7), Barcelona (6), Chelsea (5), Manchester City (5). 17 people selected among the top 50 Premier League has become the most in the league, followed by La Liga (14), Bundesliga (12), the fifa 16 coin trader reviews French, the Serie A were only 4 people, 2 people selected, Paris and Juventus (official website data) become Ligue and Serie A's only child.