Learning about FIFA 16 attributes: Vision
Vision is the attribute that increases (or reduces) the possibilities of a successful long pass. It affects both outfield players and goalkeepers when going for a long pass.
fifa coins seller reviews www.fifa-coins.com When we’re playing looking at the screen we usually have an above view of the game, just like when we’re watching football on TV. However, a player has quite a different view for himself, a first-person pitch view, and it’s very hard to see where his teammates are. Without seeing where they are, a long pass will have a random destination, it might be a teammate or an opponent that receives the ball. The better the Vision attribute, the wider your player will see in order to locate his teammates and therefore the bigger the chances of a successful long pass. 100 of Long Passing won’t do a thing if the player has zero of Vision, it’s like blindfolding Messi and then telling him to pass, even he will fail while in a game.
For the first time the attribute is
listing of best places to buy fifa coins also crucial for goalkeepers, he must have good Vision in order to be able to throw the ball well, however people usually just look at their basic attributes not knowing of this importance. I set low for centre backs because they shouldn’t really have to pass, it doesn’t matter how the clearance is done as long as it’s done, just let luck decide what comes next. Although the full backs and CDMs are defending players, they also attack from time to time, and although the CAM is a crucial attacking player, he doesn’t perform long passes as much as short ones to assist the strikers, so they get medium importance. The wingers need this attribute a lot for crosses and vision is of great importance for them to know where the attackers are at. As a striker, having 100 of att. positioning and being in the best place to finish won’t be enough if blindfolded Messi is the one trying to assist, of course.
Making good use of Vision
– The players that assist with long passes will need to find free receivers, so having receivers with
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– Vision doesn’t have an influence over short passes, after all any player is able to see his teammate in case he’s nearby, whether the short pass is made successfully or not depends exclusively on the Short Passing attribute. On the other hand, Vision is crucial for both long passes and crosses, so do choose players with high Long Passing and Crossing (especially for wingers in this case).
– Vision is extremely important for when choosing your penalty taker. A player with high vision will notice exactly to where the goalkeeper will jump and then try and shoot beyond his reach. Just kidding, that’s nonsense, it was just see if you were paying attention (actually some people do come up
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